Bihar Election 2020: Tejaswi Yadav is Winning the Battle?

In the midst of COVID 19 Pandemic, the first phase of voting completed on 28 th October, two phases of election will be on 3 rd November and 7 th November respectively. The counting of vote will be on 10 th November 2020. Election in any democratic society should have been normal act, to elect their representatives for leading governance at state or any local system of governance, where the things should be for betterment of the people and their requirement for leading dignified life. But, for some times, in our country elections are becoming instruments to encroach the inappropriate power, even in some cases in the recent times, the party or alliance, who secured the majority but with the many new methods has been discovered in our country to toppled the government. It's important to see the election campaign by the NDA camps, they don't have confidence or issues to talk with voters, even they have failed to share their work of state government as well as central gov...