Here Is An 8 Point Agenda I Would Like To Put Forth To The Congress Party

I think it is a humiliating situation for the Congress party that they haven’t had a full time Party President for more than one year since Rahul Gandhi asked his party to choose a new President. There is a need to take radical steps to reform the party and build a new leadership for a better India. For a long time now, this party has lacked strong ideas that could inspire enthusiasm in the party workers.For the last couple of years, kind of politics in our country is taking dominant space to polarize or society. Party workers, need systematic program and vision to fights with all kinds of odds. In my opinion, the ‘chamcha’ culture seems to be one of the most important criteria for getting a post in the party. Even though Rahul Gandhi tried to change that culture, he failed. The Congress Party should reform the structure of the party by recruiting a young and dynamic President. They should have a combination of young and old workers, those who are committed to the Idea of Nehru’s...