Lose of income and livelihood : Storis of the common people

Today I went out first time after lock down being announced in Delhi, in between I explored the few things, which were totally different in comparison of normal time. These are really unprecedented timefor most of the people, but persons of margin are facing double-edged difficulties, one due to th infection of COVID19 and second loses of job/ income. First interaction with cab driver, transport sector is one of the hardest hit by the COVID19’s lockdown in India or elsewhere in the world. In India, this is purely informal sector in India, there are hardly any security in this sector, whether you are employed with transport company or self-employed. Even though Delhi government was tried to help to the motor drivers, who is in the business of transport in Delhi, but there are not data to substantiate this initiative as a helpful, as far my interactions with those people, hardly any one of them got the monetary assistance. I also meet one Coconut water seller, he was very upset wit...