Our tribute to Dr Ambedkar on his parinirvan divas_6th Deceber1956

Our tribute to Dr Ambedkar on his parinirvan divas. I am grateful to him for lighting our life through his thoughts and actions. Strongly standing against all odds of his time, internal as well externally. However, his determination was never compromised for initiate the chapter of social justice to the most disadvantage social groups. His ideas and thoughts are like ocean, we will get more things on each drive in the ocean of his work. People only understand him as leader, who fought against untouchability but his contributions are immense in all sphere of our nation, his work for constitution is known, he contributed towards the monetary policy of our country, labor rights, rights of women, he also personally involved to build a robust educational institution. The role of Ambedkar in nation building process in India is remarkable. Ambedkar played a decisive role in laying the foundation of India as a nation by outlining the social, political and economic structure...